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AFRIAccess Limited

Sure thing! Basically, after helping Lydia with her documentary, she roped me into a project called AFRIAccess, an e-commerce platform for African artisans. We did our homework, chose WooCommerce, and dove into WordPress development. I handled everything from payment integration to product resizing, even adding Mailchimp for marketing. Oh, and I sprinkled in some Cloudflare magic for security and speed. Now, we're gearing up for a multi-vendor extravaganza. Easy peasy!

So, after hanging out with my buddy Lydia, she decides to jet off to Kibera to film a documentary on the Nubian Tribe. Of course, being the helpful pal I am, I give her the lowdown on the tribe and even show her where to snag the best interviews and shots.

But wait, there's more! I also flexed my web dev skills and showed her some of my work. Lydia's totally blown away and promises to bring me onboard for her next project. Fast forward a year, and bam! She hits me up with the AFRIAccess Project.

Basically, it's like ETSY but for African artisans. Time to put on my detective hat and do some serious stalking of other e-commerce sites like Etsy, Southeby's, and Momaa etc. We settle on using WooCommerce for the site and dive headfirst into finding the perfect template. But, of course, there's always some tweaking needed to match AFRIAccess's vibe - fonts, colors, you name it.

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Then, it's go time! I'm knee-deep in WordPress, integrating a super secure payment system, resizing products like a boss, and hooking everything up with Mailchimp to reel in those promo-hungry email subscribers.

But wait, there's more! I'm not just a front-end wizard; I've got some back-end magic up my sleeve too. Oh, and let's not forget about boosting security and speed with Cloudflare CDN. Because who doesn't love a fast and secure website?

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And now? Well, I'm knee-deep in creating a multi-vendor wonderland where our artisans can strut their stuff and sell their creations online. All in a day's work, right?

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